Sunday, March 29, 2009
Microcodes by Pall Thayer
Friday, March 27, 2009
r a d i o l o g y a r t - The Inner Beauty of pop objects and foods: A Cultural Scan
In the summer of 2007, artist and medical student Satre Stuelke started the Radiology Art project. Dedicated to the deeper visualization of various objects that hold unique cultural importance in modern society, this project intends to plant a seed of scientific creativity in the minds of all those inclined to participate.
Stuelke acquires the images on an older four-slice CT scanner that is used for research. Most scan parameters include a 120kV tube voltage, 100mA current, 0.625mm slice thickness and interval, 1:1 pitch, 1.25mm beam collimation, and a speed of 1.25mm/rotation. The resulting DICOM images are then processed in Osirix software on a Macintosh iMac computer. Colors are assigned based on the varying densities of materials present throughout the object. Depending on the spread of densities within a particular subject, black or white backgrounds are chosen. Images are further processed in Adobe Photoshop for proper contrast and balance.
Satre Stuelke lives and works in New York City. He has shown his work across the globe in numerous gallery and museum exhibitions and has also sold work through Sotheby's ArtLink. He has an MFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and has taught at many prestigious institutions including the School of Visual Arts in Manhattan., March 24, 2009
Harold Cohen
One of the few artists ever to have become deeply involved in artificial intelligence, Cohen has given invited papers on his work at major international conferences on AI, computer graphics and art technologies. His work is widely cited in the literature, and it is the subject of Pamela McCorduck's AARON's CODE: Meta-Art, Artificial Intelligence, and the Work of Harold Cohen (Freeman).
In more than two decades AARON has produced many thousands of drawings, to a few dozen of which Cohen has added color. The goal of his current research -- by far the most difficult to date, he says -- is to have AARON do its own coloring. This phase of the project is now well under way. The painting machine with which AARON colored real drawings in the real world was premiered at an exhibit at the Computer Museum in Boston in the spring of 1995. of Art, Technology, Science & Culture - Links
"These links are part of the research for Wilson'sbook Information Arts (MIT Press,2002) and Art, Science, and Technology Today. See the book for more details about the artists, organizations, and texts listed in these links and for extended analysis of the relationship of art and research. The links are constantly being revised and suggestions are welcomed. Feel free to use these resources but please attribute source".
Copyright, 1999-2009 Stephen Wilson.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Art after Crisis
The next year, Keulemans will continue his trips through these cities. Sarajevo, Sofia, Algiers, Beirut, Prishtina, Tirana, Jakarta, Kabul, Buenos Aires, New York, Baghdad...
Along the way, all the material he collects will be on the site. Travel stories, audio interviews, video shots, the photographs of his girlfriend and co-traveler Riette Mellink. And of course, the new art of all these cities itself.
Each city tells its own story through the artists who live there. But it seems that art also follows universal patterns when reinventing the place it comes from: from the original euphoria through the emotional backlash to the emergence of truly new places and ideas. Check out the Beirut Metro Map, the Tirana pyramid, the erotic imagination of Jakarta, the Anne Frank of Sarajevo and all the others...
Thursday, March 19, 2009
The Philtre by Boris Nordmann
now possible, with the Philtre! The Philtre is an art installation and also
a patent."
Boris Nordmann
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Dr. Naif Al-Mutawa the creator of 'The 99'
The story of 'The 99' the comic
As the leader and mentor of The 99, Dr. Ramzi Razem directs the quest to find the lost Noor Stones of Baghdad, which is the comic book’s main plot line.
As legend has it, when the Mongols sacked Baghdad in 1258, they razed the largest library in the city, Dar al-Hikma. To erase any record of the civilization, they threw the books into the Tigris River, which ran black with ink. But the caliphate guardians, in a desperate attempt to save the vast knowledge of the library before it was destroyed, concocted an alchemical solution that would absorb the contents of the books. The solution solidified into the 99 Noor Stones, which supposedly contain the lost knowledge of the Library of Baghdad.
Ramzi believes the legend, including the idea that the stones activate superpowers within certain people. He conducts his search through the nonprofit 99 Steps Foundation, and although possessing no superpowers of his own, he helps other characters to use theirs.Darr-The Afflicter (one of the characters), an American paraplegic who manipulates nerve endings to transmit or prevent pain.
Friday, March 13, 2009
social-economic practice. Unlike many visual artists, we don’t offer
criticisms or critiques, we propose real solutions to real problems”
Bjornstjerne Christiansen, Rasmus Nielsen, Jakob Fenger form the Copenhagen based art collective SUPERFLEX. They have worked together for fifteen years. The focus of SUPERFLEX’s exhibition at ARTSPACE, If Value, Then Copy is on copyright issues. Exploring concepts around branding, ownership of products, images and ideas, their ongoing practice in this area includes projects such as GuaranĂ¡ Power. For this project SUPERFLEX worked with farmers in the Brazilian Amazon to create a drink called GuaranĂ¡ Power, this involved the formation of a new brand that closely followed and yet subtly challenged the leading brand, whose monopoly on the market was impinging on the rights and conditions of the local farmers.
SUPERFLEX are committed to questioning dominant world power relationships and developing economically viable structures for specific communities. Their strategy includes what they describe as tools:
“The work of SUPERFLEX is about social-economic practice. Unlike many visual artists, we don’t offer criticisms or critiques, we propose real solutions to real problems.” Says Bjornstjerne, who is in Auckland till the end of October. “Our fundamental premise is that there is too much ownership in terms of intellectual property, trademark and copyright laws, and this excess of power needs to be challenged.”
Thursday, March 12, 2009
'Oblique Strategies' by Brian Eno/ Peter Schmidt
The Oblique Strategies are a deck of cards. They measured about 2-3/4" x 3-3/4". They came in a small black box which said "OBLIQUE STRATEGIES" on one of the top's long sides and "BRIAN ENO/PETER SCHMIDT" on the other side. The cards were solid black on one side, and had the aphorisms printed in a 10-point sans serif face on the other.
The deck itself had its origins in the discovery by Brian Eno that both he and his friend Peter Schmidt (a British painter whose works grace the cover of "Evening Star" and whose watercolours decorated the back LP cover of Eno's "Before and After Science" and also appeared as full-size prints in a small number of the original releases) tended to keep a set of basic working principles which guided them through the kinds of moments of pressure - either working through a heavy painting session or watching the clock tick while you're running up a big buck studio bill. Both Schmidt and Eno realized that the pressures of time tended to steer them away from the ways of thinking they found most productive when the pressure was off. The Strategies were, then, a way to remind themselves of those habits of thinking - to jog the mind.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
"Collision: Interarts Practice and Research" _ Book
Part V: Performative Collisions and Collisions in Performance
Chapter Eighteen ...................... 261
Feminist Performance, Community, and Violence: Conversations
between Elizabeth Chitty, Margaret Dragu and Julie Lassonde
Julie Lassonde
Chapter Nineteen ...................... 277
Interarts Performativities: Writing-Drawing-Architecture
Leoni Schmidt
Chapter Twenty ........................ 299
The Aesthetics of Disappointment
Andreas Kahre and Heidi Taylor
Chapter Twenty-One ................ 315
Ruptured Flesh, Gaps in Time: Between Performance and Pain
Christine Stoddard
.pdf sample
Edward Ihnatowicz
Panoscope 360 by Luc Courchesne
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
"There is nothing in a Caterpillar that tells you it's going to be a Butterfy"
The Buckminster Fuller Challenge Idea Index
The Whitney's Buckminster Fuller: Starting with Universe
Craig Baldwin
Monday, March 9, 2009
syntfarm (Germany/Serbia/Singapore) is founded by Andreas Schlegel and Vladimir Todorovic in April 2007 in the very clean city of Singapore. The group focuses on the preservation of expressions and structures that are found in various dynamic (eco)systems.
Leonard Shlain